Realm Rescue: Battling Insanity in Minecraft for a Friend and Their Fallen Rats

My friend was in an insane asylum with two pet rats and I had to go to the nether world in Minecraft to set my friend free from the insane asylum and my friends rats died
Dreams are often the reflection of our thoughts and experiences. This dream appears to be a combination of various elements representing different aspects of your waking life. The friend being in an insane asylum may symbolize some emotional struggles or mental health issues they are facing. The two pet rats could represent the vulnerability and dependence that your friend feels towards others.
Going to the netherworld in Minecraft to free your friend could be a metaphorical representation of the effort you are willing to make to help your friend overcome their difficulties. However, the loss of their pet rats in the dream could signify a sense of frustration or despair that you might be feeling about not being able to protect your friend from everything going wrong in their lives.
Alternatively, the dream could also be a reflection of your own anxieties or fears about losing control and being trapped in an uncomfortable situation. This might be triggering your deepest fears and emotions, resulting in a surreal and confusing dream. It is essential to remember that dreams are subjective, and the interpretation may vary from person to person.